Monday, September 05, 2005

An IL GOP Congressman Found At Last!

Rep. John Shimkus (IL-19) finally showed up -- somewhere. He made time in his busy schedule for an appearance at Concordia Seminary to give a speech. Hurricane issues are problems for others so he does not let them get in the way of schmoozing with those near and dear. In 1976, Concordia was his school of choice if the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, had not accepted the congressman as a plebe. Although he has yet to learn how to act honorable and selfless, he knows how to look good and hug himself rather well. He has honed his skills into a fine art sinc they are much more important than current events in the Gulf Coast.

So much for the value of a congressman's seniority on the House Energy & Commerce Committee. Maybe Speaker Hastert has been too busy with fundraising in Indiana's 2nd Congressional District. He has not found the time to write a script for the 19th CD "leader". Public comment on gasoline gouging, heating oil increases, and funding the relief efforts is difficult without a prepared speech. President Bush has proven that!

As usual, John Shimkus, U. S. Army National Guard Lt. Colonel, leaves it to everyone else to get Fired Up about what is important in America. He remains fizzled out.


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